
#DuPSUG - PowerShell Remoting - Slide deck & scripts used

Hi all, As I had mentioned in my previous post, I gave a presentation last week at the Dutch PowerShell UserGroup [DuPSUG] about PowerShell Remoting. It was my first time presenting in front of a crowd [approximately 55] which weren’t my colleagues [and even there at max like 10-15 people] or a handful of customers, so to say the least I was quite anxious. Thanks to some great tips by Jeff Wouters and Ben Gelens I made it through and when clicking to the second slide I went into automatic pilot mode 🙂

#DuPSUG - PowerShell Remoting seminar

I’m happy to be able to say to that tomorrow I’ll be giving my first presentation on the Dutch PowerShell User Group! Along with Mark van de Waarsenburg, Erik Heeres, Erik van der Plas and Danny den Braver we’ll be trying to spread the gospel of PowerShell amongst the interested people 🙂 My seminar will be focused on PowerShell Remoting - Practice & Theory and will feature a few labs along the way.

Script Dumpster: Keep last X amount of files or Y amount of days

Ever had the need to remove all but the last X amount of copies of a back-up? And I’m not talking about the copies from the last 2 days, because this can cause issues if the files aren’t created daily [in case of a weekend], in case a back-up has failed in the meantime or if multiple back-up copies have been made in one day. While at first I was always playing around with the simple solution by checking file age, I ran into a more elegant solution I’d like to share with you.

So you want to edit your input data using PowerShell

In one of my previous blog posts, I had a CSV worth of content in which I wanted to change a specific field of data. I was racking my brain on how I could best approach this and while working on this, I kept getting a better and cleaner result, but every step approached the issue a bit different, even though the output was as required. RequirementsI have a CSV file which contains the following headers

Going on a Get-Date…part 2

As mentioned previously in my first part of this Get-Date series, I had run into some issues that were seemingly easy to resolve, yet proved to be a bit more hassle than expected. Funny enough, the second issue where I ran into date issues was just a day or so apart from the first, so I thought I’d resolve my issues with the knowledge I had obtained previously. The ProblemI had received an Excel sheet which contained various information, one column being Warranty dates.

Script Dumpster: Reporting all files on ESX Datastores

The ProblemI had a customer who was complaining that the simple overview of disks used by VM’s didn’t add up to the amount of data in use on datastores. Simple reasoning being swap files, snapshots etc. etc. , but the customer wanted to see exactly what was causing this… In comes PowerCLI [VMWare’s adaption of PowerShell for their solutions] The ScriptEdit: As I had thought at first instance, the datacenter name was working just fine on my 2 test environments, but in a 3rd I quickly ran into an error.